This is an incredible hunt in Sonora, Mexico for plus sized Coues deer!

This outfitter offers fully guided, as well as a very limited number of semi-guided Coues whitetail hunts in Sonora, Mexico both in December and January during the rut.  They also have special early season hunts in October for archery hunters!

  • Coues Whitetail hunts are 5 days and 6 nights in duration.
  • Hunt Originates in Tucson, AZ where you will be escorted across the border by the outfitter.
  • Ranch house style lodging with homestyle meals and beverages (alcoholic drinks not provided but you can bring your own).
  • Mexican hunting licenses, deer tags and gun permits are included.
  • Your guide will field dress your buck and prepare the meat, cape and antlers for travel. The outfitter will assist with trophy importation paperwork for US.
  • Hunters may take unlimited coyotes and bobcats and no additional charge. Javelina permits are available for a small fee.
  • Sonora Coues camps offer combination hunts with mule deer.

Outfitter has dual citizenship in Mexico and U.S. and speaks fluent Spanish.

He will provide all necessary paperwork and personally take your across the border, into and out of Mexico. You’ll be in safe hands 100% of the time.

Trophy Quality

There is a good possibility for a 90 inch Coues deer, with the potential for a larger buck.

The ranches are between 30 and 50 square miles in area.  They limit the number of deer hunters on each ranch to maximize antler quality and hunting experience for many years to come.

Read hunt reports

Mexico Coues Deer Hunts

Rifle Coues Deer Hunts in Sonora, Mexico

Chances are that your Mexico Coues deer hunt will involve glassing expansive tracts of land and your knowledgeable Coues deer guide will systematically glass areas that are known to have good populations and age class of deer. You’ll be amazed at just how many deer you and your guide will find while glassing Sonora Coues country! These deer are masters of concealment but the trained eye understands where and when to look to maximize your time in the field.

A long range rifle and a hunter capable of an accurate shot placement is considered a huge asset.

When a large buck is spotted your time can be limited. Sometimes a brief window of opportunity can present itself, requiring the hunter to be ready for a quick and quite often a long shot.

Rifle Coues deer hunts in Mexico primarily start in December and go through the January Rut.

If you are doing a Coues deer combo, mule deer will almost always be the first priority. Once you have succeeded there, you’ll most likely change ranches (but not always), and then spend the rest of your days glassing for Coues bucks in the beautiful Mexico desert.

Learn more about the Mule deer hunt.

Archery Mexico Coues Deer Hunts

The archery hunts are much different than the rifle hunts. You’ll be hunting from ground blinds over feeders and/or water. Your guide will drop you off after breakfast and you’ll be hunting until a predetermined time, or until you kill your buck.

These are early season, October archery hunts.

Water is pretty hard to come by down in Sonora, especially in the late summer and fall. For that reason, during the archery hunts, you will be hunting over water (sometimes feed) from a blind. This could be a stock tank, spring or just a natural bowl of water at the bottom of a canyon. Whichever it is, the deer will be close by. Your guide will drop you off at your blind and you will be hunting on your own until he picks you back up at the scheduled time. Our bowhunters have taken some true monsters on this hunt.

The outfitter has implemented a great deer feeding program.

In the summer of 2022, this area received an unheard of amount of rain, which nearly ruined the bowhunts. This is because they depended almost entirely on water sources. Which makes sense, because under normal conditions, water is limited resource in this part of Mexico.

This near tragedy prompted him to purchase feeders, which he believes will increase trophy quality, AND success. Even if the deer aren’t hitting the water, they will always come to feed.

Hunt private ranches in and around Sonora, Mexico for trophy size Coues deer.


  • Transportation to and from the ranch originating in Tucson, Arizona.
  • Lodging
  • Meals and Beverages (alcoholic drinks not provided but you can bring your own).
  • Mexican hunting licenses, deer tags and gun permits.
  • Field preparation of meat and trophies.
  • Trophy importation paper for US.
  • Use of the outfitter’s rifles if prior arrangements have been made.
  • Hunters may take unlimited coyotes and bobcats and no additional charge.
  • Javelina permits are available for a small fee.

Not Included:

  • Travel to and from Tucson, Arizona.
  • Sleeping bag, bath towel, and personal items (soap, shampoo, etc).
  • Rifle/Weapons and Ammo unless prior arrangement has been made with outfitter.
  • Hotels before and/or after your hunt.
  • Meat Processing and Taxidermy.
  • Trip Insurance is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, especially on an International hunt in a place such as Mexico.
  • Tips for your guide and staff – While a tip is not required, it is very much appreciated, and guides often depend on them as supplemental income. Learn how much to tip a hunting guide.

Travel Information

You can drive, but most of our hunters choose to fly commercially to Tucson, Arizona the day prior to their hunt.

  • The US Customs Personal Effects Form is recommended to be filled out for your firearms prior to your arrival in Mexico.
  • Outfitter can provide you with hotel options close to airport.
    • When we vetted this hunt we stayed at the Casino Del Sol. It is nice, has some great restaurants and if you’re a gambler, there’s that as well. The best part is that it’s just a five minute drive to where you’ll meet the outfitter the next morning.
  • On the first morning of your Mexico Coues deer hunt, you’ll meet the outfitter and travel with him  across the border and on to ranch. They manage ranches in a few different areas of Sonora, with drives from the border ranging between two and four hours.
  • You may have enough time to hunt a little that afternoon depending on where the ranch is located in Mexico.
  • On the last morning of your hunt, you’ll jump back in with the outfitter and he’ll drive you back to Tucson. US Fish and Wildlife Importation Form will provided to you prior to departure from Mexico to the US.
Get a Trip Insurance quote

Pre-Trip Preparation

Physical preparation

We suggest being in the best shape possible, but this is not a very physical hunt. You may need to hike up a few hundred feet to glass from a knob, or make a stalk, but there shouldn’t be anything over strenuous.

Working out enough that you’re in “good walking shape” prior to your hunt is recommended.


Practice with your equipment prior to your hunt!

Sighting in and figuring out your ideal rifle and ammo combo are just the first steps in prepping for a big game hunt. Practice shooting your hunting rifle at both short and long distances. This will give you greater confidence in the field no matter what kind of shot you have to take.

Suggested gear list

Be sure to talk to the outfitter prior to your hunt about what to bring, but here are the essentials for this hunt:

  • Hunting Clothing – Bring what you would normally take on a typical week long, fall hunt in the States. The weather can range from warm to chilly.
  • Good pair of comfortable hunting boots and some camp shoes.
  • Backpack with all of your regular hunting essentials.
  • Bring the highest quality binoculars that you can afford. A spotting scope is optional, but suggested.
  • Rifle and plenty of shells, or archery equipment if you’re bowhunting.
  • Sunscreen, chapstick, a towel, bedroll/sleeping bag and personal items.
  • Cash for tips and small purchases while in Mexico.

In the Field

Lodging and accommodations

Rustic ranch house accommodations are provided with beds, bathroom, and a hot shower. The food and hospitality is absolutely incredible and these two things alone will give you an incredible experience during your hunt.

  • Lodging differs slightly based on the ranch that you’ll be hunting. Some of the ranch houses are nicer than others, but all have beds and hot showers.
  • Meals are traditional, authentic Mexican food with lots of fresh made tortillas.
  • Staff will obtain your hunting licenses, tags, gun permits and US Customs & US Fish and Wildlife documentation to import your trophies back to the States.
  • While hunting on the ranch you’ll utilize and maintain off road vehicles including four-wheel drive trucks and side by sides.
typical daily schedule
  • Average day starts early in the morning with breakfast.
  • After breakfast, you’ll head out to spend the day glassing from vantage points looking for a good ram.
  • Lunch will be provided and had out in the field.
  • You’ll return back to the ranch house after dark and have a full authentic Mexican dinner ready for you.
Your guide

All of these hunts are guided (or semi-guided) by only the best American and Mexican guides. The American guides are English speaking and Mexican guides are bilingual. Every hunter will have at least one English speaking guide with them at all times.

  • Guided hunts are 1×1 and every possible step is taken to ensure client is successful and enjoys his time in Mexico.
  • Your guide or outfitter will provide transportation to/from ranch. Most transportation on ranch’s will be in pickups, but also a side by side may be used occasionally.
  • Guides run high end glass and will handle all meat and trophy requirements.
  • Every possible step is taken to ensure client is successful and enjoys his time in Mexico.

Booking Information

Please note that reservations are not considered finalized until agreed upon deposit is received. This ensures agreed upon dates and current pricing. Quality outfitters are in high demand so let us know right away, as some trips do book years in advance.