Lodging and Accommodations
Lodging Subheader
May and October Hunts: Run out of a travel trailer very limited internet, they can watch a movie or play cards.
Winter Hunts: Run from a bed and breakfast as night time temperatures can go as low as -50F at this place we have good internet, laundry, movies, TV, and games to play.
Food: You will be eating home cooked meals with a bagged lunch.
Typical Daily Schedule
You’ll rise before breakfast, and then head out early to go hunting. Most of the hunting will be done on snowmobiles and quads. Clients either double on a machine or ride their own machine. It is common to travel up to 80 km (50 miles) in a day. The snow is generally 1-3 feet deep. After a day of hunting, you’ll travel back in evening have supper.
It takes nine hours for a guide to process a woodland bison. If the client wants to sit and watch it is his or her choice. If they help, then it is four hours to process the bison.
Suggested Gear List
- Expedition weight long underwear
(synthetic or wool)
- Expedition weight socks
(synthetic or wool)
- Light long sleeve shirt
that wicks moisture
- Expedition weight long sleeve shirt
or turtleneck (synthetic or wool)
- An extra heavy fleece shirt

- Down or primaLoft insulated jacket

- Heavy Fleece pant

- Waterproof shell jacket

- Waterproof shell pant

- Waterproof insulated gloves

- Waterproof insulated boots

- Heavy fleece toque

- Balaclava

Additional Equipment:
All our guides will be equipped with most of everything you’ll need however there is some recommended gear that you should have with you on your hunt. Obviously your rifle is a no brainer but please remember to pack enough spare ammo with you in case life happens and you lose some along the trail somewhere, or you need to re-sight your rifle. Also we highly recommend bringing a set of shooting sticks
or a bipod/tripod to help you steady your shots… and please practice with them before your hunt. Standing tripods/bipods work very well. Good optics are important as you will spend a great deal of time glassing for your trophy, and a small day pack that you can keep your lunch, liquids, camera and extra clothing in is a must.
Travel Information
Travel the day before your hunt starts leave the day after your hunt ends.
- Airport pickup is included in the hunt.
- 6 Day hunt is 8 total days
- 9 day hunt is 11 total days
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