Frank Church Wilderness Area
Accessible by backcountry plane or horseback, this outfitter operates in a remote and rugged wilderness area of 400 square miles, protected by law, as the only outfitter licensed to hunt within this area.
Season: November
We invite you to come and experience the wilderness late mule deer hunt in the extremely rugged and remote Frank Church Wilderness Area. This is one of the few places in Idaho that hunters are allowed to rifle hunt mule deer bucks during their rut. These bucks come out of their haunts in search of does, which make them much more accessible to our hunters.
Season: September and October
Experience this incredible bugle elk hunt in the most remote country in the continental U.S. This hunt accesses such extremely rugged and remote country that large bulls rarely encounter hunters in their wild habitat. One of the only rut rifle elk hunts available anywhere without needing to draw a tag.
Season: Winter
These are outstanding, remote wilderness, cabin-based mountain lion and wolf hunts during the winter. You won’t be staying in the lodge itself, but will enjoy nice lodging accommodations.
Read Trip ReportsAccessible by backcountry plane or horseback, this outfitter operates in a remote and rugged wilderness area of 400 square miles, protected by law, as the only outfitter licensed to hunt within this area.
Camps include a wall tent for the hunters and separate tents for the cook, guides, and livestock tack.
Flight conditions during the fall are much more reliable out of Challis rather than the Boise airport due to the mountain passes between the lodge and Boise. Most flights are in a 5 seat, 206, with a carrying capacity of roughly 1,000 pounds. Boise flights are roughly twice the cost than those out of Challis and have less reliable schedules. Please make sure all flights are reserved well in advance.
Please note that reservations are not considered finalized until agreed upon deposit is received. This ensures agreed upon dates and current pricing.
Quality outfitters are in high demand so let us know right away, as some trips do book years in advance.